How Adult ADHD Diagnosis Works?
Adult ADHD assessment evaluation by our mental health professionals. his process includes reviewing medical history, discussing symptoms, and using standardized questionnaires to evaluate attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.
In some cases, neuropsychological testing is utilized to confirm the diagnosis, as ADHD can sometimes be misdiagnosed or overlooked. Early diagnosis is key to accessing effective treatments, including therapy and medication, to manage symptoms.
When an individual displays a range of symptoms such as hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity.
Previously known as ADD, this condition involves challenges with sustaining focus, staying attentive, and organizing tasks.
Where a person presents with several features of impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Our approach ensures that families receive the necessary support and clarity needed to navigate their child’s neurodevelopmental journey. By providing a formalized ADHD test and management plan, we empower families to access the care and resources they need.
At Nexia Healthcare, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. Let us help you achieve a deeper understanding and a clear path forward for your child’s development.
Nexia Healthcare offers comprehensive ADHD diagnosis and assessment services in Melbourne. Our expert team provides personalized care, ensuring accurate evaluations and tailored treatment plans to support individuals in managing ADHD effectively.